Morpheus8 is an RF fractional solution that stimulates the production of collagen underneath the skin. Morpheus 8 combines the skin-refining benefits of microneedling with the skin-tightening action of radiofrequency (RF). This revolutionary combination allows us to smooth lines and wrinkles, tighten skin, treat hyperpigmentation, and address acne scars. 

For patients in Chesterton, IN who wish to regain a firmer, more youthful appearance, one option to explore is Morpheus8. We are pleased to provide this non-surgical treatment at Glacial Sands OMS.

How Does Morpheus8 Treatment Work?

Morpheus8 is an advanced form of microneedling made to stimulate the remodeling of the dermal tissues. Morpheus8 was developed by InMode Systems, the leading name in radiofrequency technologies. 

The microneedling process involves a number of micro-wounds being made in the skin, triggering the body’s natural healing processes. Specifically, these micro-wounds jumpstart collagen production, resulting in healthier, tighter, revitalized skin.

The Morpheus8 treatment combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy, which enhances the thickening and tightening of the dermal tissue for optimal results.

Conditions Treated by Morpheus8

Morpheus8 is one of the top options for facial rejuvenation. One reason for this is that it can correct several common issues at the same time. Some of the conditions that we can treat with Morpheus8 include:

  • Fat below the chin
  • Jowling at the jawline
  • Damage from the sun
  • Scars, including acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Lower eyelid bags
  • Enlarged pores
  • Poor skin texture
  • Creases, wrinkles, and fine lines

Our Morpheus8 Microneedling Process

The first step in the treatment process is consultation. During this appointment, Dr. Bennett will assess the patient’s skin condition and verify that they are good candidates for a safe and successful Morpheus8 treatment.

During your treatment, local anesthesia will be used to ensure that patients do not experience any pain. Other sedation options are available if needed. The treatment itself usually takes just a few minutes to complete.

Recovery Process

There is minimal recovery needed following Morpheus8. Patients can anticipate some mild redness and swelling, which will last for a couple of days. Patients will also be advised not to use makeup for a day or so. Otherwise, patients are welcome to resume their normal activities as soon as their treatment is concluded.


Dr. Sonia Bennett

Dr. Sonia Bennett was amazing. She provided me with personalized care.

Morpheus8 FAQs

We are always happy to answer patients’ questions directly and invite them to contact our practice at any time. Meanwhile, here are a few of the most common inquiries we receive about Morpheus8:

How long does Morpheus8 take to work?

Treatments begin to stimulate changes almost immediately, and some patients may see results very quickly. Further results will develop over the course of multiple weeks.

How long does Morpheus8 last?

While it varies greatly from patient to patient, results from Morpheus8 typically last at least two years, sometimes as many as four. We will recommend a maintenance schedule customized for best results.

How many treatments do you need with Morpheus8?

For the best results, most patients benefit from two to four total treatments.

What is better, FaceTite® or Morpheus8?

Both treatments can be highly effective at boosting collagen production, and both can serve as non-surgical facelift alternatives. The best way to identify which treatment best suits patients’ specific needs is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bennett.

What can you not do after Morpheus8?

Following treatment, we recommend abstaining from cosmetics for a day or two. Otherwise, patients can generally move on with their normal lives.

Excellence in Microneedling & Morpheus8 in Chesterton, IN

Ready to learn more about non-surgical treatments, such as Morpheus8? We welcome you to schedule a consultation with our team in Chesterton, IN.


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